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  邮箱:gsna2010@163.com; gsna_ybii@hntou.edu.cn




1996.09-2001.06      锦州医科大学(原锦州医学院) 临床医学 学士

2001.09-2004.06      锦州医科大学(原锦州医学院) 生物化学与分子生物学专业  硕士

2006.09-2009.06      中国药科大学 海洋药物专业   博士


2004.07 - 2007.08  国家海洋环境监测中心  研究员实习员

2007.09 - 2010.06  国家海洋环境监测中心  助理研究员

2010.07 - 2013.11  国家海洋环境监测中心  副研究员(破格)

2011.09 - 2014.12     中国科学院生态环境研究中心 环境化学与毒理学国家重点实验室 环境化学 博士后

2013.12 - 2021.10 国家海洋环境监测中心  研究员(破格)

2015.11 - 2016.11 美国俄勒冈州立大学    访问学者

2019.10 - 至今         海南热带海洋学院  研究员

2021.12 - 至今         海南热带海洋学院崖州湾创新研究院  研究员


近十年来,共主持和参与的国家自然科学基金、国家重点研发计划、中国南北极环境综合考察与评估专项、海洋公益性行业科研专项等科研项目近30项;发表研究论文近100篇,其中SCI 60余篇;负责及第一作者编制海洋行业标准5项。多次获得辽宁省自然科学成果奖(一等奖1项,二等奖1项,三等奖3项),累计培养研究生20余名。海南省领军人才(2022),辽宁省“百千万人才工程”(2017)百人层次入选者,生态环境部生态环境监测“一流专家”(2021),中国第26次、29次南极科学考察队和200720142017年北极黄河站科学考察队队员,人力资源社会保障部和国家海洋局“极地考察先进集体” 团队负责人。



 1Guangshui Na*, Jiandong Ye, Ruijing Li, et al. Fate of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in the Pacific sector of the Arctic Ocean based on a level III fugacity environmental multimedia model[J]. Marine Pollution Bulletin, DOI:10.1016/j.marpolbul.2021.112195

    2Guangshui Na*, Keyu Zhang, Hui Gao, et al. Occurrence and distribution characteristics of antibiotic resistance genes in sediments between urban and rural of the Liaohe River Basin, China[J]. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2021, DOI: 10.1007/s11356-021-13560-y.

 【3 Minmin Hou, Yali Shi, Guangshui Na*, et al. Increased human exposure to rganophosphate esters via ingestion of drinking water from water dispensers: sources, influencing factors, and exposure assessment[J]. Environmental Science and Technology Letter, 2021, DOI:10.1021/acs.estlett.1c00592

 【4Yunze Gao, Ruijing Li, Guangshui Na*, et al. Spatial distribution of cumulative impact on terrestrial ecosystem of the Fildes Peninsula, Antarctica[J]. Journal of environmental management, 2021, 279: 111735.

 【5Guangshui Na*,Yuyuan Liang, Ruijing Li, et al.Flux of Polynuclear Aromatic Compounds (PAHs) from the Atmosphere and from Reindeer/Bird Feces to Arctic Soils in Ny-Ålesund (Svalbard) [J]. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 81(6):1-16

 【6Minmin Hou, Yali Shi, Guangshui Na*, et al. A review of organophosphate esters in indoor dust, air, hand wipes and silicone wristbands: Implications for human exposure[J]. Environment International, 2021: 106201.

 【7Guangshui Na*, Wanli Zhang, Hui Gao, et al. Occurrence and antibacterial resistance of culturable antibiotic-resistant bacteria in the Fildes Peninsula, Antarctica[J]. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 2020: 111829.

 【8 Guangshui Na*,Chao Hou, Ruijing Li, et al. Occurrence, distribution, air-seawater exchange and atmospheric deposition of organophosphate esters (OPEs) from the Northwestern Pacific to the Arctic Ocean[J]. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 2020, 157: 111243.

 【9 Guangshui Na*,Yunze Gao, Ruijing Li, et al. Occurrence and sources of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in atmosphere and soil from 2013 to 2019 in the Fildes Peninsula, Antarctica[J]. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 2020, 156: 111173.

 【10Ruijing Li, Yunze Gao, Guangshui Na*, et al. Characterization of the parent and hydroxylated polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in the soil of the Fildes Peninsula, Antarctica[J]. Advances in Polar Science, 2020, 31(1): 64-73.

 【11Ruijing Li, Hui Gao, Guangshui Na*, et al. Distribution and Sources of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in the Water Column of Kongsfjorden, Arctic[J]. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2020, 97: 186-193.

 【12Guangshui Na*, Caixia Wang, Hui Gao, Ruijing Li, Shuaichen Jin, Wanli Zhang, Humin Zong. Occurrence of sulfonamide and quinolone resistance genes at the Fildes Peninsula in Antarctic. Marine Pollution Bulletin. 2019, 149: 503-509.

 【13Wenfeng Wang, Hui Gao, Shuaichen Jin, Guangshui Na*.The ecotoxicological effects of microplastics on aquatic food web, from primary producer to human: A review. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety. 2019, 173: 110-117.

 【14Xindong Ma, ZhenWang, Limin Yu,Wenjun Yao, Lin Xiao, Ziwei Yao, Guangshui Na*, Yawei Wang, Guibin Jiang. Mirror image between gasparticle partitioning and soilmoss distribution of polybrominated diphenyl ethers in the polar regions. Science of the Total Environment. 2019, 656: 1199-1206.

 【15Guangshui Na*, Zihao Lu, Hui Gao, Linxiao Zhang, Qianwei Li, Ruijing Li, Fan Yang, Chuanlin Huo, Ziwei Yao. The effect of environmental factors and migration dynamics on the prevalence of antibiotic resistant Escherichia coli in estuary environments. Scientific Reports. 2018, 8: 1663.

 【16Shengkai Cao, Guangshui Na*, Ruijing Li, Linke Ge, Hui Gao, Shuaichen Jin, Chao Hou, Yunze Gao, Zhifeng Zhang. Fate and deposition of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in the Brasfield Strait, Antarctica. Marine Pollution Bulletin. 2018, 137: 533-541.

 【17Qianwei Li, Guangshui Na*, Linxiao Zhang, Zihao Lu, Hui Gao, Ruijing Li, Shuaichen Jin. Effects of corresponding and non-corresponding contaminants on the fate of sulfonamide and quinolone resistance genes in the Laizhou Bay, China. Marine Pollution Bulletin. 2018, 128: 475-482.

 【18Hui Gao, Guangshui Na*, Yao Yao, Ruijing Li, Yuhang Gao, Zhifeng Zhang and Ziwei Yao. Distribution Characteristics and Source of Dechloranes in Soil and Lichen of the Fildes Peninsula (Antarctica). International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2018, 15:2312.

 【19Hui Gao, Linxiao Zhang , Zihao Lu, Chunming He, Qianwei Li, Guangshui Na*.Complex migration of antibiotic resistance in natural aquatic environments. Environmental Pollution. 2018, 232: 1-9.

 20李十盛,高会,赵富强,陈以芹,张克玉,黄加劲,那广水*. 水产养殖环境中抗生素抗性基因的赋存及其影响因素研究进展. 中国环境科学. 2021.

    21】赵富强,高会,张克玉,孔亮,那广水*.中国典型河流水域抗生素的赋存状况及风险评估研究. 环境污染与防治. 2021.


 【1那广水,杜金秋,李瑞婧. 北太平洋海洋科学组织概况,海洋出版社,2019.

 【2】俞勇,那广水,曾胤新,等. 站基生态环境本底考察,海洋出版社,2016.

 【3】何剑锋,那广水,金海燕,等. 极地生态环境监测规范,海洋出版社,2014.




2018.11 - 至今 北太平洋海洋科学组织(PICES) 海洋环境质量委员会 主席

2020.04 - 至今 中国可持续发展研究会 国际交流合作工作委员会  委员

2020.05 – 至今 中国太平洋学会 海洋生态环境分会  副会长